Monday, November 03, 2008

Fat Bastard.

A Marine calls out U.S. Rep. John Murtha. I love when people actually speak their mind.

Read the article here.


Blogger olgreydog7 said...

Good for them. BTW, that article is a little misleading about Murtha. It says he served for 37 years or something. Well, sort of. He was in the reserves for almost all of it. I have nothing against the reserves, but it is not the same as doing all 37 active. In this case, I think Murtha tries to use his time in to his advantage, like being a Col in the reserves makes him some sort of expert.

BTW, Ed McMahon is a BGEN. But you never hear about that cause most of it was in the reserves.

11/04/2008 04:01:00 PM  

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